Monika Quistorp (1929–1990) Übungen zur Gehörbildung
“Die Gehörbildung” (“Aural Training”) contains the theory of teaching and methodology of aural training and can be found here.
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The present books of exercises contain material for fifteen lessons in each of the five stages of attainment methodically developed in “Gehörbildung” (“Aural Training”). Since the vast number of all conceivable educational situations entails the construction of individual syllabi, each separate lesson is intentionally provided with such comprehensive and many-sided material that it is possible, for instance, to divide up the material of a particular lesson in various ways according to the teacher’s own judgment, in order to be able to accomodate all aspects of the problem, as for example number of lessons per week, size of the class, total duration of the coursc, different goals of study and examinations, etc.
It should bc emphasized that every individual lesson includes rhythmic, melodic and harmonic exercises. This combination should be retained even if each set of examples is actually divided up between several teaching periods. On the one hand this provides the variety necessary to stimulate the pupils to cooperate in the work to a sufficient extent; on the other, the phenomena of fatigue that arise in a period devoted to practising a single part of the total range of aural responses are avoided.
In view of the multiplicity of possible forms of application of auraltraining exercises, individual instructions indicating, for instance, the desirable length of time to be devoted to this or that part of the subject or the frequency of repetition of the detailed tasks have purposely been omitted. Every teacher familiar wich the subject of aural training should be free to adapt the material here provided to his specific circumstances as he sees fit.
Monika Driessler-Quistorp, Summer 1974