
New Publications of the Last Months

Bringing a breath of fresh air into teaching

Breitkopf PÄDAGOGIK presents a variety of new publications and editions of proven practical value. The program’s focus is on instructional methods for beginners and more advanced students, as well as for young children or older students. Bringing a breath of fresh air into teaching, they stimulate imagination and the joy of music-making without neglecting pedagogical goals.

A breath of fresh air ….: Breitkopf PÄDAGOGIK editions are innovative, multi-faceted and proven. The editions incorporate the most recent developments while also searching for new forms of music editing.

from various directions : The editions provide imaginative stimuli for music-making. They do not follow any rigid pedagogical concept.

… but without turbulences: The editions have all been thoroughly tested in practical teaching and have been edited or inspired by experienced teachers.

Here you can browse through our catalog “Breitkopf Pädagogik”. Take a closer look into our catalog “Breitkopf Schulmusikkatalog” as well.