Hanns Eisler (1898–1962) Der Rat der Götter
Music to the Film of the Same Name by Kurt Maetzig [orch] 1949 Duration: 6' – – perc(3) – hp – cel.trautonium – 2vl – str
Film music as commentary on horror
Maetzigs feature-length film tells the story of the IG Farben corporation and its fateful role in the Nazi era. Eisler comments on the function of his extremely sparing music as follows: Music is only inserted whenever documentary film material is used in montages. If the pictures show, for example, the launching of the armored cruiser Eugen, the sound already evokes its destruction. If the build-up of the arms industry is shown, the sound already depicts the noise of the battle.The montage of retreat and of Stalingrad illustrates the horrifying misery of the German soldiers. The music projects coldness and hardness here, which gives the viewer the possibility to remember.
Nr. 1 Vorspann (Titelmusik) |
Nr. 2 Rüstungsmontage (Soloszene Marichi) |
Nr. 4 Erste Kriegsmontage |
Nr. 9 Kapitulationsmontage |