Joschi Krüger (*1956) Zebras Liederheft
20 Old and New Children's Songs Illustration: Rainer E. Rühl [vl,vl(pno)]
Zebra's Zoo of Old and New
Joschi Krüger's book promises a zooful of fun for young violinists.
60 pages | 23 x 30,5 cm | 312 g | ISMN: 979-0-004-18298-7 | Softcover
Next to traditional songs such as "Ein Mops kam in die Küche," the author presents original pieces for lessons and recitals such as "Mein Dackel im Bobbycar" and "Florian, der kleine Hase." All the tunes can be played in the first position. The accompaniments are original and varied, whereby the piano accompaniments are generally simple and those for the violin somewhat more demanding. Of course, all the songs should be sung as merrily and vigorously as possible: this was, and still is, their original purpose! The merry zoo is further enlivened with little assignments and exercises. And when it's time to go home, the best way to say goodbye to all the animals is with a rousing performance of "Zebra und seine Freunde."
1 Kommt der Bär |
2 Meine Katze |
3 Die kleine Leiter |
4 A B C |
5 Es gingen drei Bauern |
6 Summ, summ, summ |
7 Vöglein im Tannenbaum |
8 Verrückt spielen |
9 Zwei Freunde |
10 Winter, ade! |
11 Florian, der kleine Hase |
12 Die große Leiter |
13 Murmeltierchen |
14 Mein Dackel im Bobbycar |
15 Der Frosch beim Frisör |
16 Alle Vögel sind schon da |
17 Drei Eichhörnchen |
18 Ein Mops kam in die Küche |
19 Das Krokodil am Nil |
20 Zebra und seine Freunde |